Jumat, 30 November 2012

Jepara Carving Art


Jepara Carving Art
One very famous in Jepara is Ukirnya art ..... This is one example of the original carving from Jepara ..... carving is very beautiful if we could memperhatikandengan details details ......
there were always stories of people on the lift in it ...... if for my carving show tells the story of Rama and Sinta .....
Rama described there in a meeting with Sita,,,, in the jungle ........ and all its natural beauty .........

 Jepara Carving Art

 Jepara Carving Art


Yours sincerely,

Muhammad Ali 

Contac person :
Email : muhammadalibinabitholib@gmail.com   
Phone : 085640637729

 Address : Jepara - Central Java



Among the themes that I took was the city of Jepara as Central Industrial Furniture Furniture.
Jepara is a small town in Indonesia but it is a tourist spot and the central of the largest furniture furniture industry, famous in Indonesia. And can search on the Internet is so popular that there are Jepara Furniture in Jepara Indonesia.
With so many famous handicrafts making it one of the central Jepara industry, crafts and even got to know in the corners of the World, a lot of tourists or investors want to build a business in Jepara Indonesia. And they were largely successful, developed and developing countries in Jepara Indonesia.
Survey says their success due to something diantarannya:
1. Jepara is one of the central Craft Industries (Furniture)
2. Adequate human resources in Jepara Indonesia
3. Wages were low
4. Easily obtain raw materials and cheap
5. Strategic trade route
6. People who are friendly, safe place
7. Currency exchange rates making it suitable for small investors.
8. Transportation, communication complete
So many convenient Tourists and investors love to come to Indonesia for business or sightseeing.
The purpose and my goal is to give you an idea ganbaran or a fit and suitable to pick a spot and business development, new ventures or readers Gagi both foreign and local investors so as to provide a good inspiration.
And I am very proud and happy when where I can be a friend, relative or business to assist in providing a variety of information is needed later.
Similarly, a brief description of me and I have to thank you for your attention and hopefully we can work together later on.

Yours sincerely,

Contac person :
Email : muhammadalibinabitholib@gmail.com  
Phone : 085640637729

 Address : Jepara - Central Java